Hello, Name's Jan. I'm a full-stack developer, UI/UX designer and Computer Science student with 2 years of experience. I enjoy building websites & web apps. My focus is React (Next.js).
About me
After graduating highschool in field of IT, I decided to deepen my passion for computer science. That is why I'm currently student of university on major field Computer Science. My favorite part of programming is the problem-solving aspect. I love the feeling of finally figuring out a solution to a problem. My core stack is React.js, Next.js, tRPC, TypeScript, MySQL or MongoDB and Tailwind. I am also proficient in Go or Algorithm designing. I am always looking to learn new interesting technologies or packages. I am currently looking for a customers for my freelance projects.
When I'm not coding, I enjoy spending time with my girlfriend, training Muay Thai, or playing with my dog. I also enjoy learning new things. I am currently learning about Nietzsche's philosophy and Muay Thai history. I'm also learning UI/UX design in Figma.
My Projects
Poppková Driving school
I created this begginer project as my long term graduation thesis on high school with only basic knowledge of web-development, and that started my passion for this field.
NoteIt is a Next.js application that provides a user-friendly platform for taking, organizing, and sharing notes. Inspired by Notion.
- React
- TypeScript
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Zustand
- LucideReact
- ShadCn-UI
- EdgeStore
- Clerk Auth
- Convex DB
Breadit is fully functional Next.js web application replicating the features and functionalities of the popular Reddit platform.
- React
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- ShadCn-UI
- Tailwind
- LucideReact
- Prisma
- Redis
- Zod
- Uploadthing
- NextAuth
LXI Simulator
New, redesigned LXI simulator for Pickering Interfaces written in Golang, Gin instead of the old version in Perl, providing users more friendly and modern interface and better code structure.
- JavaScript
- Go
- Gin
- Figma
DigiShark is a czech e-commerce platform for selling quality digital products like Icon sets and UI Kits. It is a full-stack application build in Next.js and TypeScript.
- React
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- ShadCn-UI
- tRPC
- Tailwind
- LucideReact
- PayloadCMS
- Zod
- MongoDB
- Stripe
- Zustand
Martazahrada is a freelance e-commerce project (currently under construction), where I completely designed UI/UX, built frontend, backend and CMS. I used a modern, cutting-edge tech-stack.
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- React
- PayloadCMS
- tRPC
- Zustand
- Figma
- PostgreSQL
My Skills
- Next.js
- React
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- TailwindCSS
- Git
- Figma
- UI/UX design
- Framer Motion
- tRPC
- Zustand
- Payload CMS
- Prisma
- Drizzle
- MongoDB
- PostgreSQL
- C#/.Net
- Go
- Python
- C
My Experience
Graduated high-school
POJFM - Frýdek-MÃstek, CZ
I graduated after 4 of studying IT study programme. I finished my high-school studies with a maturita exam with honours.
2018 - 2022Help Junior Programmer
EXPANDO - Třinec, CZ
After graduation I worked half a year at a part time job as help junnior programmer specified on ecommerce and eshops development in PHP Zend framework.
2022University Studies
VÅ B-TUO - Ostrava, CZ
I am currently stuyding Computer science for bachelors degree at VSB - Technical university of Ostrava.
2022 - presentJunior Software Developer
PICKERING Interfaces - Bystřice, CZ
I am currently employed as Junior Software Developer. I redesigned and created new software for controlling LXI simulator in Golang.
2023 - presentContact Me
Please contact me directly at honzabojko@seznam.cz or through this form.